Monday, January 12, 2009

Weight Watchers!

So, this is part 2 (part 1) of my weight watching adventures! And, just as the title suggests, I am trying something new: Weight Watchers! This probably sounds a little crazy, and I was definitely overwhelmed at first. I spent last weekend (the one after new year's) learning all about the point system. I haven't officially joined, but am thinking about it, especially if one of you will do it with me! I'm not planning on going to the meetings. One, it's more expensive than the online version, and two, I just don't know if I can devote an hour each week to doing this, especially if I need to go the same day every week (is this the case? I don't even know).

Anyway, if you don't want to hear about weight watchers, I suggest you stop reading now, because I am going to enlighten you all with a bit about the system. Please keep in mind that this is all in my own words -- please look at the website or whatever for more info! So pretty much, based on your age, gender, your weight, your job (how active you are at work), and something else, but I forget, you get assigned a daily point value. Mine is 21. Then, you eat accordingly! I get 21 points per day, and trust me, it's not a lot! Oh, I should also let you know that I did a trial run this past week....and yes, I ate at Melting Pot, and still I did not cheat! I will explain this phenomenon later on! Ok, so you can find TONS of info online that has point values for different foods. The good news is that there do exist zero-point foods....a lot of veggies are zero-points, for example.

One thing I really like about this program is the fact that you can eat whatever you want! I mean, it might be the case that you can only have one bite of it, but that's your decision. It teaches you to eat your veggies, so you can have other, yummier things! It's also very helpful if you plan around your schedule. For example, if you know you are going out to eat one night, you should conserve points by eating low-point foods for breakfast and lunch. Another BONUS is that you get 35 extra points each week. This is how I managed to eat at Melting Pot, plus I conserved some of my daily 21 points for the occasion. I feel like it's doable, because, I mean, can I really afford to be eating out more than twice a week anyway (money wise and food intake wise)? Probably not.

Still not convinced? Ok, well this doesn't really apply to me, but you can also get extra points by exercising!! So for those of you who like to run, you can earn a couple of extra points each day. That may not seem like a lot, but every point counts! I find that I have zero time for the treadmill during the week, but on the weekends, I am going to try to get a 30-40 minute walk in (uphill walk). Even with that, it's only 1-2 points per day, but it's a nice little added bonus!

So, does anyone want to do it with me? We can trade yummy low-point recipes! And even though I am considering joining online (I think there is a special that's $65 for the first two months -- including the one time sign up fee -- and then $17 each month after that), you don't have to! I am more than willing to help you scoure the internet for resources (and as I said before, there are TONS!). There are also plenty of point calculators online, such as this one, so you can find the point value of foods you have at home. There is a formula...I forget what it is at this second (it's a little complicated, so I prefer using the tool). It uses calories, fat, and dietary fiber to come up with the point value. So if you have that information, you can very easily convert your food into the points.

In conclusion (haha, as if I'm writing an essay or something...), I think WW will help me a ton with portion control. This is one thing I had never practiced before. I do not consider myself to be a large person, but there are times I consume as much food as those "too fat to move" people on the TLC specials. I eat too fast, and therefore I eat too much, and don't realize how completely stuffed I am until it's too late. So, with the WW plan, I have to watch my portions, and although I was kind of craving snacks the first few days last week, I really do feel a lot better now. Cleansed, if you will. Even though I splurged a bit on certain days! So, who's with me? Please think about it, and let me know! It will definitely help if I have a close support group (Ryan is my support group right now, but we're only together ~every other weekend). I promise we can make it fun. Oh, and just for you's a site that gives point values for alcohol.

Sorry for the seriousness of this post!! Do you think I'm crazy? Are you crazy enough to join me?


Unknown said...

Im in support, but I can't handle all that. it sounds kind of exciting though! Goodluckkk.. i LOVE reading blogs :)

Alex ♔ said...

hahah my mom used to do that.. i tried for like 3 days but i was too lazy to look up the point value for things!! i'll think about it :)

Angry Anne said...

you should DEF be a commercial

Kristin said...

@ Mich: thanks for the support!
@ Alex: yes, please do think about it! think about all the fun we'll have! and how good we'll look in a few months!
@ Man(lish): haha, well, considering I haven't actually lost any weight yet, I feel like it wouldn't be the best commercial...but maybe! i'm down if they are!

Dannelle said...

i'm in!! but you are going to have to help me/explain everything to me. it sounds so complicated and like so much work but i'm in for anything that will make me lose weight!!